2010 Miami and Broward Palm Beach New Time The 1st of March 2010 the American Newspaper that inspire Zoophiles Love published an article about this Painting. The Biennale Jury avard for Honourable Mention for Artistic Merit
2010 - Article published by the Corriere di Chieri (local Italian newspaper) 05/03/2010 regarding the Painting Zoophiles Love.
2011 - Biennale of Chianciano of 2011 Catalogue Pubblication page 89 with the painting "Cybersex - Many possibilities"
2011 - Beijing Art Expo 2011 Catalogue Pubblication page 91 with the painting "Future Hell"
2012 - Premio Città di Foglizzo 2012 Catalogue Pubblication page 16 with the painting "War Party"